When you take photos using your iPhone or iPad, Apple uses their own specific file type to save them. These files can work great on other Apple devices, but may not work as expected on Windows computers, or other non-Apple devices. Because of this, we've included a couple settings to convert these files to JPEG, which is a more compatible file type. These settings should be on by default, but if you need to change them for any reason, this guide will show you how to enable or disable Convert HEIC to JPEG and Convert ProRaw to JPEG. First, connect your Picture Keeper to your iPhone or iPad, then follow the steps below:
- Open the PK Connect app
- Tap Settings at the bottom right
- Tap Advanced Options at the bottom
- Tap the toggle(s) to the right of Convert HEIC to JPEG and/or Convert ProRaw to JPEG to enable or disable them
**If you need any additional assistance, please contact Picture Keeper Support.