If you are new to Picture Keeper and have already spent a few minutes on the website, you have probably noticed that we have multiple backup products available. Picture Keeper is considered to be a standard product for backing up pictures from your computer. Picture Keeper Pro, which is our advanced model, is available in larger sizes and backs up more than just pictures.
Picture Keeper
Picture Keeper is a wonderfully clever pairing of a USB drive and a piece of marvelously well designed proprietary software. The unique software transforms the drive into a dedicated digital image safety deposit box while fully automating its functionality. It makes copying and saving your irreplaceable digital memories a breeze, even for those who know nothing about uploading, downloading, file structures and the like. Yet, each Picture Keeper also contains powerful features that can transform it into field storage for a professional photographer just interested in pulling newly created RAW photo files off a laptop after a days shoot. A comprehensive guarantee and a dedicated team back each Picture Keeper should you ever need to have a question answered. Simple security. Available in multiple storage capacities, from 4GB to 32GB.
Picture Keeper Pro
Picture Keeper Pro has all of the same great features as the standard Picture Keeper, but lets you easily backup other file types and is available in larger storage capacities - from 32GB to 500GB. If you need to back up more than pictures, here are a few reasons to consider Picture Keeper Pro.
Videos - No doubt all of us have a certain amount of video clips or short movies that capture specific and precious moments of our lives. The Picture Keeper Pro has a built-in feature to backup your videos from the most common places on your PC or Mac.
Music - "Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone..." Oh, I love that song! I think you might have a couple of favorite songs as well, probably on your computer. If your computer crashes, don't scream "Help!" Know that your music is safe, backed up on a Picture Keeper Pro.
Documents - Whether you need to keep business documents, tax returns, personal writing or any other documents safe - backup is what you need. And what could possibly be better (or easier) than to have them all organized on a Picture Keeper Pro drive? Picture Keeper Pro replaces the older Video Keeper, Tune Keeper, and Business Keeper products, combining the ability to back up pictures, videos, music, and documents into a single product. If you have one of these other discontinued Keepers, the new Pro will pick up where these left off. You can seamlessly continue your backup onto the Pro.
Picture Keeper and Picture Keeper Pro are compatible with most modern Windows and Mac computers.
Will Picture Keeper Work on My Computer?
If you need any additional assistance, please contact Picture Keeper Support.